Thanks for agreeing to share your views on how to tackle financial hardship
NPC is a charity that supports and encourages charities and funders - to help them do the best they can in their missions.
Our Open Philanthropy programme wants to show that philanthropy can be done in the open, and that this can bring benefits, such as greater efficiency, collaboration, inclusion and shifting power. You can read more about our ideas
Part of the programme is to design a grant funding cycle in the UK financial hardship sector, and pilot this towards the end of 2022. To inform this we want to reach a wide range of voices and perspectives. Hence this survey will feed into the design of the fund, alongside interviews with organisations working in this field and a review of the evidence around financial hardship
So thank you for taking part in this survey. It should only take around 5 minutes (depending on your answers).All your answers will remain confidential to NPC. Feel free to skip questions you don't want to answer. And if you have any questions about the survey please contact